Collaborating for conservation
Photo credit. T. Turner
Reporting lines:
B.C. Conservation Officer Service encourages the public to report all sightings/pet and livestock losses/deer kills to us immediately at our 24/7 reporting line 1-877-952-7277. Use the RAPP form to report known or suspected violations of fisheries, wildlife, or environmental protection laws, except salmon-related violations.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada To report suspicious fishing activity or habitat violations, please contact the nearest Fisheries and Oceans Canada office, email us at DFO.ORR-ONS.MPO@dfo-mpo.gc.ca, or call the 24-hour, toll-free "Observe, Record Report line" at 1-800-465-4336.
Other conservation organizations and partners
Island Guides:
Protect Ecosystems with a Conservation Covenant: A conservation covenant is a voluntary, legal agreement between you and a conservation organization. A covenant protects natural features on your land not just while you own the land, but after the property is transferred to new owners. Putting a covenant on your property allows you to permanently protect the land you love. Learn more
Protect your Land and Save Money with NAPTEP: Protecting your land with a NAPTEP (Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program) conservation covenant gives you the opportunity to receive a 65% exemption on your property taxes each year. NAPTEP makes conservation affordable in the islands. Learn more
Care for Natural Features on your Land: You play an important role in the lives of the plants and animals sharing your property. With careful planning, you can reduce the impact your daily activities have on the ecosystems on the islands. Learn more
Atlk’a7tsem/Howe Sound Guides
Upper Howe Sound birding checklist ( Important Bird Area info)
Coastal Shore Stewardship: A Guide for Planners, Builders and Developers
Green Shores For Homes, Islands Trust
Green Shores Program, Stewardship Centre of B.C.
Identification Websites and Publications
iNaturalist - sign up to participate in documenting and identifying nature.