We began in 1995
2003 original trail brochure created by Wolf Weidemann.
The Conservancy was founded in 1995 to address mounting concerns about changes in Gambier's natural habitat. We believe that enhanced public awareness and increased environmental knowledge are essential to sustainable development on the island -one of the most beautiful and unspoiled in the Georgia Basin.
The founding directors were co-presidents Elspeth Amstrong and Maria Van Dyk, Treasurer, Wolf Wiedemann, Lois Kennedy, Kathy McTaggart, Robert Gibson and Loys Maingon. Dr. Kennedy, who served as a director until 2007, led an ambitious stream keepers program, mapping and documenting the creeks, watersheds, wetlands, old growth forests and environmentally sensitive areas on Gambier Island. She also played a role in the 2005 establishment of the first two Islands Trust Conservancy nature reserves at Brigade Bay. Lois passed away in 2010 leaving a $100,000 bequest to the Islands Trust Conservancy to be used for the purchase, enhancement or maintenance of public trust lands, including parks and nature reserves on Gambier Island.
Aside from his treasurer duties, Wolf Wiedemann worked tirelessly over the years to establish and maintain a network of hiking trails across the whole island to connect all communities as well as routes to popular recreational destinations. He was the driving force in producing a combined trail map and brochure. Another accomplishment was establishing a land trust fund and effectively providing financial advice to the Islands Trust Fund to develop the Natural Area Protection Tax Exemption Program. He also secured funding from the Sunshine Coast Regional District to maintain and develop trails on the island. Wolf was a director until he passed away in 2011. His wife, Maria, who had worked closely with Wolf on Conservancy initiatives, remained a stalwart director on the Conservancy executive until she retired in 2013.