A Salmon Creek Runs Through It

Gambier Island’s Whispering Creek

Gambier Island’s Whispering Creek

To celebrate Earth Day, Tim Turner, one of our Conservancy directors, and his brother, Bob, hiked up the trail to Mt Killam and made a diversion on the Maple trail over to the operational woodlot. To bring attention to the planned logging in the headwaters of Whispering Creek, Tim prepared the attached photo poster using photos taken during their hike

We are still very concerned about these plans to log the mature forest, with some wonderful old growth trees, in this headwaters area. We are continuing our efforts to arrange scientific studies of various species in the area that could be adversely affected by the logging. To support these studies, we are very thankful for the response to our call for donations to offset the $4,000 cost of the Ecologic consultant's study. You can find a link to their report in the article on our website at: https://gambierislandconservancy.ca/news-blog/whispering-creek-monitoring-project. Our treasurer, Boris Gorgitza, reported at our last monthly meeting that he had received over $2500 in donations, many of which have been made through our website at: https://gambierislandconservancy.ca/make-a-gift.


New signposts in Halkett Bay Marine Park


An Old Forest at risk - Again!